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Musicode project MuPIF portal

This page is intended to provide specific information for Musicode users of MuPIF platform.


Connecting to MuPIF infrastructure

  • Install WireGuard VPN software from
  • You need VPN client configs to connect to MuPIF infrastructure. You will find them in AES-encrypted ZIP file on the Musicode ownCloud (under MUSICODE/Data types and services/VPN folder). The passwords have been sent in dedicated e-mail. If not available for your organization, please send a request to
  • On Linux: save the client configuration file in /etc/wireguard, use wg-quick to bring up the interface (e.g. sudo wg-quick up musicode_peerX.conf).
  • On Windows: in the WireGuard GUI, click on “Add Tunnel” and then “Import tunnel(s) from file…”; import the {peer}.conf file and activate the tunnel.
  • Test the connection:
    $ pyro5-nsc -n -p 10000 ping
    Name server ping ok.

MuPIF Services

Changelog of Important MuPIF updates (in chronological order)

1. 1. 2022

  • Instead of PropertyID, FieldID, ParticleSetID, MiscID use only DataID, which contains all enum members
  • meatadata Inputs contain key “Set_at”: {“type”: “string”, “enum”: [“initialization”, “timestep”]}, which defines whether it should be set before each timestep or only once at the initialization.
  • In initialize() function the argument “file” was removed. New methodology of setting input file using set() function and mupif.PyroFile, see
  • Only generalized set() and get() functions can be used. Functions setProperty, getProperty, setField, getField, etc. are no longer supported.

9. 2. 2022

  • Obj_ID in Inputs/Outputs metadata must be of type string.
  • For Type mupif.Property in Inputs/Outputs metadata the “ValueType” must be specified. Choose from following values: [“Scalar”, “Vector”, “Tensor”]

18. 5. 2022

  • The workflow metadata contain item “Models” to describe the instantiation of the contained models. (jobmanager name for remote model and module name with class name for local model) See MuPIF examples. The models are instantiated automatically by the workflow, so there is no need to implement it in the initialize method.
  • The default value of metadata argument in the initialize function was changed to None.

Setting up Model Server

Assuming we have a properly implemented model class named 'ClassnameOfModel', which is derived from mupif.Model and is implemented in file '', we can make it accessible from the Musicode VPN network with the following script. First we import mupif and the model class

import mupif as mp
from model_example import ClassnameOfModel

Then we locate the nameserver with

ns = mp.pyroutil.connectNameServer(nshost='', nsport=10000)

Then the script contains a code, which creates a jobmanager instance with given parameters, runs it and registers it on the nameserver. The maxJobs is an optional parameter specifying how many remote model instances can exist at the same time.


After this script is executed, the jobmanager can be obtained from the nameserver by its name 'InstitutionName.ModelName'. With the jobmanager we can remotely instantiate a new instance of our model class. For more information look at the or other examples.

Interaction with test jobmanager

An existing jobmanager “CVUT.demo01” for model from mupif Example13 ( is running and is registered at the project nameserver, which can be seen in the monitor at To run the workflow in, which interacts with the this existing jobmanager, run the following command in the Example13 directory:

MUPIF_NS= python3

It asks the given nameserver for the jobmanager named “CVUT.demo01”, which provides a new instance of the model, which it then used for the calculation.

Getting help

  • The preferred way to get support from CVUT Team is to create a new ticket on GitHub ( This way you can track progress of your issue and get support quckly.
musicode/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/07 02:06 by stanislavsulc