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Deema project MuPIF portal

This page is intended to provide specific information for Deema users of MuPIF platform.


Connecting to MuPIF infrastructure

  • Install WireGuard VPN software from
  • You need VPN client configs to connect to MuPIF infrastructure. These have been distributed to all partners. If you have any problem or need additional keys, please send a request to
  • On Linux: save the client configuration file in /etc/wireguard, use wg-quick to bring up the interface (e.g. sudo wg-quick up musicode_peerX.conf).
  • On Windows: in the WireGuard GUI, click on “Add Tunnel” and then “Import tunnel(s) from file…”; import the {peer}.conf file and activate the tunnel.
  • Test the connection:
    $ pyro5-nsc -n -p 10000 ping
    Name server ping ok.

MuPIF Services

Using MuPIF Web API

  • Using of the web interface is demonstrated on a simple workflow, which already exists in the MuPIF database. In the list of workflows ( there is this workflow with wid “workflow_13” - click on the link to go to its detail (or click here: The page shows the inputs and outputs of this workflow and a link to create a new execution - click on the “Initialize new execution record” and you get to the created execution's detail. Click on “Set inputs and Task_ID” and submit the imput data. This workflow assumes that we provide two numbers in the form of a tuple - for submitting values 3.0 and 2.5 fill in “(3.0,)” and “(2.5,)”. After saving by clicking on “Submit” you can get back to execution record by clicking on the displayed link. Now you can click on “Schedule execution”, which should change the status from “Created” to “Pending”. After some time (scheduler checks new executions in 1 minute period) you can refresh this page and check if the status is “Finished”. If so, click on the “Discover outputs” to see the results of this simple calculation.

Setting up Model Server

Assuming we have a properly implemented model class named 'ClassnameOfModel', which is derived from mupif.Model and is implemented in file '', we can make it accessible from the Deema VPN network with the following script. First we import mupif and the model class

import mupif as mp
from model_example import ClassnameOfModel

Then we locate the nameserver with

ns = mp.pyroutil.connectNameServer(nshost='', nsport=10000)

Then the script contains a code, which creates a jobmanager instance with given parameters, runs it and registers it on the nameserver. The maxJobs is an optional parameter specifying how many remote model instances can exist at the same time.


After this script is executed, the jobmanager can be obtained from the nameserver by its name 'Mupif.JobManager@model_name'. With the jobmanager we can remotely instantiate a new instance of our model class. For more information look at the or other examples.

Interaction with test jobmanager

On the computer, where mupif nameserver is running, runs a jobmanager “CVUT.demo01” for model from mupif Example13, which can be seen on the monitor at To run the example locally, one must run a nameserver, run the jobmanager script and then run the workflow script in, which interacts with the model accessible by the local jobmanager, while the jobmanager running on the server allows to simply run the following command:

MUPIF_NS= python3

It asks the given nameserver for the jobmanager named “CVUT.demo01”, which provides a new instance of the model, which it then used for the calculation.

deema/start.1641862512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/11 01:55 by stanislavsulc